Just found out this congregation in Los Lunas is my mother's old congregation.
Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
ALBUQUERQUE | Child Sexual Abuse Case Filed Against Former Jehovah's Witness Elder Michael Brunner
by jwleaks inchild sexual abuse case filed against former jehovah's witness elder michael brunner.
an albuquerque woman filed a lawsuit claiming a church leader sexually abused her as a child.. monica jaramillo said michael brunner, an elder at the jehovah's witness church in los lunas, sexually abused her when she was just 8 years old.. jaramillo, now 35, filed a lawsuit claiming other elders of the church knew about the incident but chose to do nothing.. the complaint also alleges jaramillo's mother was raped by brunner.. jehovah's witnesses in los lunas told kob eyewitness news 4 that brunner left the congregation years ago.. .
video news interview: http://www.kob.com/article/stories/s3130582.shtml?cat=500.
by The Searcher inthe following is part of an email from a retired district overseer in the states.
(source private).
"the new bible will be released at the agm and i understand only two versions will be printed from now on.
Newly Enlightened
Condensed down to one phrase:
Newly Enlightened
I was always told, so that it doesn't bring reproach to Jehovah's name.
But in reality what is it doing now that all of these are being exposed? Making it worse and damaging kids. I recently heard that Zalkin has 10 other abuse cases he's filed.
If 144,000 in Revelation is literal then why is the number in the Greek language in plural form?
by I_love_Jeff inthus indicating indefiniteness, thousands?
see rev.
5:11 and 7:4. strong g5505.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you. Nice catch! If you look it up in the 1969 Kingdom Interlinear it says basically the same thing.
Was Your Leaving The Witnesses A Very Gradual Process Or A Quick One?
by minimus infor me, it took many years.. even when i would read all the changes over the years from the "truth", i still would ignore it and "wait on jehovah" and try to be a positive force in the congregation.. eventually, i just couldn't take it anymore and resigned as an elder, and slowly but surely made my fade.. what about you?
were you out, in a short or longer time?
Newly Enlightened
A dear friend came for the weekend and showed us the lie and boom that was all it took.
Who I really am, my story on YOUTUBE!
by Gojira_101 inthe death of a jw and the birth of me the apostate.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2lwgowdpj8.
a huge thanks to my friend ray publisher (jwstruggle) for posting my video for me.
now that i am no longer held prisoner from the fear of watchtower, i can now help others!.
Newly Enlightened
2,600 views. If you haven't watched this yet, please do.
I'm new here...
by Demokan ini'm 15, and i'm an unbaptized publisher... so i've been what you call "lurking" here for the past few weeks and i have some questions.
i hear you guys constantly mentioning ttatt so where can i go to learn more about this (links please)?
also i've already told my mom that i don't believe in the governing body and she is making me do even more!
Newly Enlightened
Welcome Demokan, glad to have you here with us! You might find this Youtube video interesting that my daughter Shyla did:
"Whether These Appear Sound From a Strategic or Human Standpoint or Not." - What do YOU think?
by jw07 inhttp://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/w20131115/seven-shepherds-eight-dukes/.
paragraph 17.
"at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
Newly Enlightened
If I was till 'in' this would give me pause and I would have to seriously step back and analyze this study article. Very little actual bibloe study lately. Seems to mostly be, 'Stay away from internet", "Stay away from apostates' "shun your family that left"
Line up for your favorite flavor of Kool-aid!
Anyone in the Bible addressed God as "Jehovah"?
by UBM101 inif even jesus christ himself and other people in the bible did not addressed god using his name jehovah, why should we?.
Newly Enlightened
WTBT$ also admits that 'Jehovah' is a Catholic invention in the 1980 2/1 pg 11-13
Pioneer School - 2 weeks long???
by Lynnie ini talked to my 83 year old pioneer mother over the weekend and she said she's going.
pioneer school for 2 weeks starting today in lynnwood, wa.
is that how long they usually are?.
Newly Enlightened
My husband & daughter both went. It is 2 weeks of intensive studying, there is also some going out in the field door to door activity. They even have you study at night for the next day.